Monday 4 June 2018

Passion Project

My Passion Project  

A passion project is something to study that has an end result.  Something you you ABSOLUTELY LOVE to learn, explore or find out more about.  The topics are endless.  You just have to use your imagination.  What would you like your passion project to be about? 
Sit down and have a think.  Watch this Youtube clip and get an understanding of what's it all about. 

Here are some passion project ideas that might inspire you.  These kids are Year 9. 

The Steps:
You need to follow these steps.  All your learning is either recorded in your Passion Project book or on our class Google Drive.  
Sharing time.  Along the way, Mrs M will stop everyone and you will need to share where you are at with your project.  This will be every couple of days.

Step 1:
Choose your idea and have it approved by Mrs M before 3pm Tuesday 5th June.

Step 2:
Brainstorm your ideas.  It might look something like this.

Step 3:
Write your research question.  Your question is the reason for investigating your passion project.  Once you have your question, you will need to get Mrs M to approve it.

Step 4:
Start research.  You will need to record all your research.  You will need to write down all the websites you visit, the books you read, the people you might ask.

Step 5:
Now start your good copy.  In your book, you will need:

  1. title page
  2. Pictures and diagrams.  Don't forget these are an important part of your passion project.  Each one needs to be captioned to explain what it is.
  3. driving question and the answer
  4. facts to share

Step 6:
Presenting your project.  Keep it simple!  You don't have to get fancy.  We don't have the time to do this.  Think of the easiest way to present your findings.  Remember you MUST ANSWER YOUR RESEARCH QUESTION.  

Step 7:
Present your passion project to the class.  

Here are the final presentations of our Passion Projects.  Congratulations to everyone.  They are all amazing.